ADIPEC 2023 -变革性氢项目
从美洲到欧洲,再到中东, 非洲及亚太地区, we’re advising and engineering decarbonisation and digitalisation solutions to ensure the energy transition is achieved at pace.
我们已经减少了数百万公吨的碳排放, working on three quarters of the UK’s industrial clusters and two of the world’s largest carbon capture and storage facilities, 在此过程中确定关键的筹资机制.
无论你是在浏览通货膨胀减少法案, seeking guidance on funding applications from Department of 能源 and Direct Air Capture operations, 木头有帮助. Our experts are well versed on global policies as they rapidly adapt to foster a more sustainable future for generations to come.
来自我们共同的志向,创造更美好的明天, 伍德穿过《10bet十博注册网站》的柱子, 地球 and 利润 is supported by solid foundations and goals that challenge our business to unlocking solutions to the world’s most critical challenges.
将风能转化为可再生能源的能力, solar and tidal sources into carbon-neutral power is key to creating a greener future.
权力-to-X技术正在使各种关键部门脱碳, 生产新的燃料和化学物质,比如氨, e-methanol and e-methane that benefit operations of industries including ground and air transportation and shipping.
航空业有明确的意图,要稳步推动脱碳. In the UK, goals have been set for a 15% reduction in emissions by 2030 and a 40% reduction by 2040. 另外, 在北美, the Aviation Climate Action Plan has set out to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the US aviation sector by 2050.
Wood knows the important role that partnerships will play in unlocking access to new and innovative energy frontiers globally and is working with long-standing partners, 比如霍尼韦尔UOP, 结合各种技术生产碳中和产品, 甚至是负碳, 可再生燃料将改变这个行业.
如果有一种方法可以看到不可见的东西呢? 我们的软件是市场上最快的, 比目前的替代品更便宜,全球范围内最精确.
我们的Iris Edge平台是专家技术的结合, trusted sensors and tailored deployment hardware which streamlines methane inspection compliance, helps you eliminate penalties quickly and accelerates your decarbonisation strategy.
We are delivering concept and front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies for low carbon pipelines across the globe, 包括近2个,000英里的陆上低碳管道.
Ranked number one in Engineering 新闻 Record’s International Design Firms list six times in the past decade, Wood’s experts have designed five of the longest pipelines in the US to date and are seeing a boom of new projects globally on the back of growing investment in clean energy infrastructure.
氨 is playing a critical role in food security and the energy transition as part of a sustainable long-term energy mix given its many potential applications, 根据国际能源署的说法, 到2050年,氨需求将增长25%.
Wood is involved in several studies and projects surrounding blue and green ammonia. 我们正在与ADNOC合作开发一个 全球规模的蓝氨生产设施 在阿布扎比. We are also supporting Horisont Energi with a broad suite of services under a framework agreement that covers 欧洲首个大规模蓝氨生产设施. 此外,在绿色方面,我们参与了 Total even的Magallanes项目 在智利, where our knowledge will help to support the 生产 of ammonia from green hydrogen at one of the largest such projects in the world.
我们帮助客户实现可持续发展目标. Eradicating plastic waste is one more step forward in the challenge to build a future-ready global community.
The circular economy represents a critical and growing industry in our collective quest for a sustainable future. We are exploring new concepts and innovative solutions to support sustainable environments and unlock new energy solutions around the world.